General Employer Action Plan

In order to review the way employees work and to support the number of female employees who continue to work, in order to increase the number of female employees, we will formulate an action plan as follows.

Planning period Reiwa Six months from July 1, 2011 to December 31, Reiwa

Goal 1: Add items to employees’ parental leave and short working hours after returning to maternity leave in the rules of employment, and ensure that employees are fully informed.

< measures>

July 5, 2011, Reiwa New items are added to the rules of employment.
July 6, 2011 Reiwa Notify employees of the renewal of the rules of employment at internal meetings and encourage careful reading

Goal 2: Add items about taking parental leave for female employees who are raising children to the rules of employment,

We will make sure that employees are fully informed.

< measures>

July 5, 2011, Reiwa New items are added to the rules of employment.
 Reiwa. 3.7.6 Notification of the renewal of the rules of employment at internal meetings and encouraging perusal.

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Our international and experienced team will do our best to get the job you want. In addition, we will support you as necessary, such as the living environment after employment and communication with employers.

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